Chocolate Blog



 One thing i love doing is dipping my Oreo cookie in Peanut butter and then dipping it in milk. There are so many ways to enjoy Oreo's from Cakes, Milkshakes, Deep fried Oreo's and so much more! Oreo's were introduce in...

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Chocolate Ice-cream Sandwich

Chocolate Ice-cream Sandwich

The ice cream sandwich was created in 1899 by an unknown pushcart peddler in New York City. These sandwiches consisted of vanilla ice cream pressed between two thin graham wafers. The treat was iconic not only because it it was...

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Chocolate Stamps

Chocolate Stamps

If it looks like chocolate & smells like chocolate & tastes like chocolate then it is chocolate right? Belgium Chocolate launched a quite personal set of stamps that smelled and tasted like chocolate. More than 500,000 stamps were printed on...

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Chocolate and it's war against Tooth Decay

Chocolate and it's war against Tooth Decay

Researchers have found that chocolate just might protect against tooth decay. A study carried in Oaska University in japan found that parts of the cocoa bean, which is the main ingredient for chocolate discovered that the cocoa bean husk which...

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History Behind Chocolate Covered strawberries

History Behind Chocolate Covered strawberries

Despite the fact that chocolate has been around since 1100 BC and strawberry has been found growing wild in Italy as early as 234 BC. It was not until a woman by the name of Lorraine Lorusso combined the two...

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The Making of a Chocolate Chip Cookie

The Making of a Chocolate Chip Cookie

Oh My Gooeyness! Chocolate Chip Cookies are sooo incredible and we have Ruth Wakefield to thank!! Ruth & her husband Resided in eastern Massachusetts and owned a restaurant known as Toll House inn. Rumor has it that she was brainstorming...

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"You can't get up from the table until you finish your cacao nibs." Well, maybe not quite. A cacao nib is the shelled and roasted cacao bean that has a crunchy texture and boasts that yummy chocolate flavor that is so universally...

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Here are some assorted chocolate facts for your enjoyment. Please note, this reading is best enjoyed with a mouth-full of chocolate. On average, consumers in the United States will eat 12 lbs. of chocolate per year. Scientists are rumored to have extracted...

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Discovery of Chocolate And The Aztechs

Discovery of Chocolate And The Aztechs

INTRODUCING CACAO The story of chocolate begins thousands of years B.C. in the region we now know as Southern Mexico and Central America. A tree bearing unusual fruit with vibrant colors produced seeds so valuable that it was considered to be a gift...

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